About me and blog

Welcome to this blog here you can find many tutorials about programming language. Many student are in our colleges having good theoretical knowledge but they are lacking in programming skill and there are no sufficient  time in our academic schedule to learn all this and also due to lack of resources also so,   i am trying to provide information about programming skill and coding techniques. I am covering almost all the programming languages here.
My main focuse on recent IT implementations like cloud computing ,greed computing , parallel programming tools and languages like OpenCl and Android platform and application development. I am M.tech student from NITK and m also sharing my experiences and NITk culture here.
There are many student are facing problem about project ideas. For IT and computer student there and no faculty in many colleges so my advice to all friend don’t depend on other and try to learn yourself. There are many things available on internet all they are waiting for you just give time for that. its alway better than wasting time on facebook.

“If not now then when”